
This element enables the designer to include XML files that contain skin code into another SKIN file. It allows reuse of existing code in another file.

Warning: you have to avoid cycles in your includes. Do not include a file that directly or indirectly includes the same file. The skinning engine won't be able to read the skin otherwise.

Common Attributes


Specific Attributes
Name Value Type Default Value Description Comment V.


Valid file path to XML file


Path to the XML file to include.

The file to include has to be a valid XML file with a single root element.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SKIN language_version="1.0" background_color="#ffffff" repeat="true" h_margin="10" layout_type="row">
	<INCLUDE file="include.xml" />

if the include.xml file contains the following lines:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<IMAGE_PARAM_KNOB param_id="dsp.input4" image="knob_black.bmp" image_orientation="horizontal" images_count="127" />

Will be equivalent to the following file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SKIN language_version="1.0" background_color="#ffffff" repeat="true" h_margin="10" layout_type="row">
	<IMAGE_PARAM_KNOB param_id="dsp.input4" image="knob_black.bmp" image_orientation="horizontal" images_count="127" />

Just as if the code below the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> line had been pasted inside the including file.

Note that the included file has to be a valid XML file: the first line is mandatory, and the file must have a root element. If you want to include a file containing several elements in a list, they have to be enclosed in a root element. The DUMMY element exists for this purpose.